howl a day inn

Check in during normal business hours
Check out 11:00 a.m.

Forever Friends offers several different lodging options to accommodate your pet as well as your finances. Here are just some of the accommodations and activities available for your pet to enjoy when staying with us:


  • Skylights and windows ensure a light, airy, spacious feeling
  • All of the rooms have views to the landscaped, sky-lighted atrium or outside park vistas.
  • Large comfortable rooms & runs.
  • Extra spacious, luxurious Howl-A-Day VIP (Very Important Pet) suites & accommodations available.
  • Woofy Web Cam for pet parents to see their dogs at play and in the VIP suites
  • Free satellite TV for your dog’s favorite shows
  • Free fresh linens and optional premier Kuranda pet bed (additional charge for bed).
  • Howl-at-the-Moon Pet Lounge room to provide comfort for older or shy pets that require extra peace & gentle care (“Comfy Times” can be added on to any pet’s stay – see below for details!)
  • Veterinary hospital on premises


Howl-a-Day Inn Guest Services, and Funtivities

dogs playing

  • Off-leash indoor and outdoor playtime
  • Dog buddy socializing & fun (Group Play)
  • Outdoor splash pool and sand digging pits
  • Comfort/Buddy time (“Comfy Time”)
  • Group Play: Let us introduce your buddy to some other buddies of his own! Our small groups are specially designed for each pet based on temperament, size and other characteristics. This allows us to do our best to ensure that they have a great time in the safest possible way!
  • Comfy Time: Is your pet used to some snuggle time on the couch with the TV on before bed? Let your dog or cat unwind after a fun day in our “Howling at the Moon Lounge.” It is a quiet, enclosed, perfect living room setting complete with chairs, a comfy couch, tables and (you guessed it!) a TV!
  • Game Time: Is your dog used to playing fetch or tug of war, or your cat used to chasing a ball or string? We can keep that routine in place so your pet continues to get the exercise he or she needs as well as the mental release of
    Can’t decide? How about our Vacation Orientation Package which has a little of everything! 15 minutes of Group Play, 15 minutes of Comfy Time and 15 minutes of Game Time is sure to satisfy ANY pet, and will make his or her stay that much more enjoyable!
  • Want a special treat for your special friend?

    We have several treats and meals made in our kitchen with high quality ingredients including:


    • Homemade frozen yogurt treats (Frosty Friends)
    • Grilled cheese
    • Peanut Butter Poppers
    • Chicken stir fry

    Lodging Reservations & Pricing

    Please call Forever Friends Pet Care Center
    440-926-3231 & press 2 for Pet Fun!